A salty tale based on real events

On December 5th 2019 I set sail in a 55ft yacht called Issara. Her crew of 4 (myself included) were to spend the next 49 days at sea with no sight nor sound of land or other people. Here is but one of the tales from that bizarre and wonderous adventure.

Issara's motley crew

Alanah (crew)

Irish, daydreamer, chatterbox

Nathan (crew)

Kiwi, loyal, caring

Matt (2IC)

Kiwi, skilled, kind

Brett (captain)

Kiwi, hard-working, forever young


flot.samĀ noun

1: floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo

2a: a floating population (as of emigrants or castaways)
2b: miscellaneous or unimportant material
2c: Debris, remains
